Anemone canadensis Canada Anemone
Ohio Native Plant Natural Range
To view the natural range of Anemone canadensis visit the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service website.Native Plant of the Year - LEAP - Landscaping for Biodiversity with Ohio Native Plants - Cleveland Metroparks
Cultivation Information Canada Anemone
Sun - Part ShadeSoil - Wet - Moist - Our plants are doing well in dry locationBlooms - May - JuneFlower Color - White flowers are lovely on a woodland edgeHeight - 1 to 1.5 ft pH - 5.0 to 6.0Hardiness Zone - 3 to 8 Perennial Groundcover - Beautiful native ground cover that blooms early in the spring. It does best with space for rhizomes to spread out. Word to the wise, choose your location carefully, as Canada Anemonen will gladly take over small garden spaces! Container Raised in bottomless containers are an option in the quest to reduce spreading, however we have not tried this method.
Wildlife Significance Anemone canadensis
Pollen Source - Andrenid and Halictid bees collect pollen, Mining Bees, Small Carpenter Bees, Sweat Bees, Yellow Faced Bees, Syrphid flies feed on pollen, Dance Flies
Nectar Source - Dance Flies (Family Empididae)
Beneficial Predator insects Attracted - Flower Bug (Orius insidiosus), Dance Flies, (Family Empididae) are mosquito predators
Deer - This plant contains the chemical Protoanemonin, making it less desirable to deer and other mammals. It may irritate your skin.
For further information - Visit the Illinois Wildflower website
Propagation Notes Anemone canadensis
I have never felt it necessary to propagate Canada Anemone from seed, as it does quite well for itself without my intervention. The patch we have in our yard is in a partly sunny location, this seems to keep this native species from getting out of hand. At the same time, Roger Dahlin has it growing in his sunny, moist garden and has more than enough to go around.
Stratification - If you are interested propagating Anemone canadensis from seed, Prairie Moon Nursery suggests a double dormancy - two warm months followed by two cold then repeat.
Stratification - If you are interested propagating Anemone canadensis from seed, Prairie Moon Nursery suggests a double dormancy - two warm months followed by two cold then repeat.
Seed Provenance Anemone canadensis
Mother plant from a friend, Berea, Ohio 2013 - Nodding Onion Gardens - 2014 to present