Packera aurea Golden Ragwort
Ohio Native Plant Natural Range
Visit the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service website to view the natural range of Packera aurea.
Cultivation Information Golden Ragwort
Basal leaves of Packera aurea have a maroon
hue to them; leaf margins are crenate
meaning rounded teeth along the edge
Height - 1 to 3 feetFlower Color - YellowBlooms - April to June - The beauty with Golden Ragwort is it provides nectar pollen very early in the spring
Sun - Full sun part shadePerennial Hardy Zone - 5 to 8Soil - MoistFamily - Asteraceae
Use - Ground Cover, Rain Gardens
Use - Ground Cover, Rain Gardens
Seed Provenance Packera aurea
Nodding Onion Gardens 2016 to present - Amanda's Garden, Springwater, NY, USA - 2013
Wildlife Significance Golden Ragwort
Pollination - Little carpenter bees, cuckoo bees, Halictid bees. Small bees, Syrphidflies, Tachinid flies.
Nectar - For Small bees and flies
Pollen for -Small bees, flies
Host plant - Leaves are food for caterpillars of the moth Orthoama obstipata Deer - Avoid this plant For detailed information on Golden Ragwort, visit the Illinois Wildflower website
Host plant - Leaves are food for caterpillars of the moth Orthoama obstipata Deer - Avoid this plant For detailed information on Golden Ragwort, visit the Illinois Wildflower website
Propagation Notes Golden Ragwort
Transplanting - Once you have established a patch of Golden Ragwort is easy to transplant.
Self seeds easily - We have found that in our partly shady, moist garden is stays put and doesn't "wander". However, in Roger Dahlin’s moist, full sun garden, Packera aurea has become prolific.