Packera aurea Golden Ragwort
Ohio Native Plant Natural Range
Visit the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service website to view the natural range of Packera aurea.
Cultivation Information Golden Ragwort
Height - 1 to 3 feetFlower Color - YellowBlooms - April to June - The beauty with Golden Ragwort is it provides nectar pollen very early in the spring
Sun - Full sun part shadePerennial Hardy Zone - 5 to 8Soil - MoistFamily - Asteraceae
Use - Ground Cover, Rain Gardens
Use - Ground Cover, Rain Gardens
Seed Provenance Packera aurea
Nodding Onion Gardens 2016 to present - Amanda's Garden, Springwater, NY, USA - 2013
Wildlife Significance Golden Ragwort
Pollination - Little carpenter bees, cuckoo bees, Halictid bees. Small bees, Syrphidflies, Tachinid flies.
Nectar - For Small bees and flies
Pollen for -Small bees, flies
Host plant - Leaves are food for caterpillars of the moth Orthoama obstipata Deer - Avoid this plant For detailed information on Golden Ragwort, visit the Illinois Wildflower website
Host plant - Leaves are food for caterpillars of the moth Orthoama obstipata Deer - Avoid this plant For detailed information on Golden Ragwort, visit the Illinois Wildflower website
Propagation Notes Golden Ragwort
Transplanting - Once you have established a patch of Golden Ragwort is easy to transplant.
Self seeds easily - We have found that in our partly shady, moist garden is stays put and doesn't "wander". However, in Roger Dahlin’s moist, full sun garden, Packera aurea has become prolific.