Penstemon digitalis Foxglove Beardtongue
Ohio Native Plant Natural Range
To view the natural range of Penstemon digitalis visit the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service website.
Seed Provenance Penstemon digitalis
Nodding Onion Gardens - 2012 - present - Prairie Moon Nursery, Winona, MN - 2011
Wildlife Significance Foxglove Beardtongue
Nectar Source - For sphinx moths, honeybees, large number of native bees.
Plant Specialists - Osmia distincta (Mason Bee species) and the pollen collecting wasp (Pseudomasaris occidentals) depend on this plant for food.
Pollinator Plants- Penstemon species are wonderful pollinator plants
Perfoliated Leaves - Leaves on this plant are considered perfoliated, that is they circle the stem creating a small "drinking fountain" for birds and insects.
For detailed information, visit the Illinois Wildflower site
Plant Specialists - Osmia distincta (Mason Bee species) and the pollen collecting wasp (Pseudomasaris occidentals) depend on this plant for food.
Pollinator Plants- Penstemon species are wonderful pollinator plants
Perfoliated Leaves - Leaves on this plant are considered perfoliated, that is they circle the stem creating a small "drinking fountain" for birds and insects.
For detailed information, visit the Illinois Wildflower site
Propagation Notes Foxglove Beardtongue
Stratifying Seeds
Storage - Moist Cold - 30 days - Small Zip lock plastic bag with a few tablespoons of moistened vermiculite
Sowing Seeds - These seeds need light in order to germinate, gently sprinkle them on top of the potting soil but don't cover them with soil.
Seeds Planted - 2-9-2012Sprouted - 2-18-2012 - ManyNight Temperature - 64 - 65° F - Under florescent lightsDay Temperature - 64 - 65°F - Under florescent lightsNatural light - 3-4-12 - Few hours each day of exposure to sunlight
Seeds requires light and cold, moist storage in order to germinate