Verbena stricta Hoary Verain
Ohio Native Plant Natural Range
To view the natural range of Verbena stricta visit the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service website.
Seed Provenance Verbena stricta
Nodding Onion Gardens - 2017- Present, Prairie Moon Nursery, Winona, MN - 2015
Wildlife Significance Hoary Verain
Nectar - Nourishes - green metallic bees, bee flies, honey bees, bumblebees, little carpenter bees, cuckoo bees. leafcutter, long-horned bees. Also, numerous butterflies including the Common Buckeye, Painted Lady, American Lady and Eastern Tailed-Blue. Several Skippers, including: Pecks. Fiery, Silver
Pollen Source - Short and long-tongue bees Seed - Enjoyed by songbirds
Host Plant - For caterpillar of Verbena Moth and Fine-lined Swallow Moth Specialist Bee -Verbena Bee collects pollen
Leaf texture - Rough, bitter and hairy leaves discourages mammals from grazing. Deer - And other mammals tend to leave this native Ohio plant alone.
For detailed information on Hoary Vervain, visit the Illinois Wildflower website
Propagation Notes Hoary Verain
Stratifying Seeds
Storage - Moist Cold - 60 days - Small zip lock plastic bag with a few tablespoons of moistened vermiculiteGermination - Seeds require light and cold moist storage in order to germinate
Seeds Planted - 2-9-2012Sprouted - 2-18-2012 - ManyNight Temperature - 61 - 63 °FDay Temperature - 64 - 65 °F - Under florescent lights
Experiment Fall 2017 - Hoary Vervain seed was cold, moist stratified in fall of 2016 (yes this is correct) and forgotten. As an experiment, it was planted indoors in the fall of 2017. Surprisingly, they sprouted!Self-seeds easily - Considered weedy, however I have not noticed this. Harvesting seed - Seed matures late in the fall, wait until it is dark brown before collecting
Over watering - Suggestion ... don't do it!