Argentina anserina Silverweed
Potentilla anserina - scientific synonym
Ohio Native Plant Natural Range
Visit the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service website to view the natural range Silverweed.
Considered Threatened in the states of: Pennsylvania, Indiana and Iowa
Cultivation Information Argentina anserina
Height - 6 inches - lays flat like strawberry plants, Flower Color - YellowBlooms - June - AugustSun - Part Sun to Filtered ShadeSoil - Moist to Dry
Hardy Zone -
Perennial PH - 7.0
Family - Rose (Rosaceae)Erosion - Useful in erosion controlGroundcover - Our silverweed is filling in nicely in between the rock path which, weaves under the Honey Locus tree. It is easy to remove if it wanders a bit too far for your taste.
Wildlife Significance Silverweed
Pollen Source - Bumblebees, cuckoo bees, Andrenid bees and Syrphid flies
Nectar Source - Butterflies
Deer - May nibble on Silverweed
Propagation Notes - Silverweed
Spreads - Nice groundcover, spread by runners (stolons) like strawberries. Mammals consume, digest and spread seed.Division - Easy to divide
Plant Provenance Argentina anserina
Holden Arboretum Kirtland, Ohio, mother plant from a native plant propagation class 2010.