Dalea purpure Purple Prairie Clover
Ohio Native Plant Natural Range
To view the natural range of Dalea purpure visit the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service website.
Cultivation Information Purple Prairie Clover
Height - 12 to 24 inchesFlower Color - PurpleBlooms - July - SeptemberSun - Full to Part SunSoil - Normal to Dry Hardy Zone - 3 to 8Family - Fabaceae (Bean Family)
Pollinator Gardens - A perfect addition to your pollinator garden.
Pollinator Gardens - A perfect addition to your pollinator garden.
Collecting Seed - Wait, wait, wait before collecting clover seed, it needs to mature first. Watch for the flower head to turn dark, then check and see if the seed loosens up. Prop a paper bag under the flower head to collect any seed that tumbles out.
Over the Years
Small and unassuming perhaps, Oh, but sit quietly, watch and wait one will quickly realize that Purple Prairie Clover attracts a hub of pollinator activity. I have several plants growing in a well-drained, full sun garden that I have left to themselves in hopes they will reseed. This has never materialized, original plants continue to thrive however, young seedlings are lacking. Assuming the clover has been pollinated, it leaves one to believe that birds and critters who visit our yard are snatching the seed before it tumbles to the ground.
Wildlife Significance Purple Prairie Clover
Nectar & Pollen - Attracts numerous native bees, honey bees, Syrphid flies, beetles, skippers, small butterflies
Oligoleges (specialist pollinators) - Several kinds of plaster bees
Protein - Prairie Clover is high in protein and enjoyed by a large number of mammals
Seed - Small Rodents enjoy Prairie Clover seed
For detailed information visit the Illinois Wildflower site
Oligoleges (specialist pollinators) - Several kinds of plaster bees
Protein - Prairie Clover is high in protein and enjoyed by a large number of mammals
Seed - Small Rodents enjoy Prairie Clover seed
For detailed information visit the Illinois Wildflower site
Rabbits love Jim Wohl's yard as
there is plenty of clover!
Propagation Notes Dalea purpure
Seed Provenance Dalea purpure
Prairie Moon Nursery, Winona, MN - 2014 Nodding Onion Gardens 2015 to Present