Eurybia macrophylla Big-leafed Aster
Ohio Native Plant Natural Range
To view the natural range of Eurybia macrophylla visit the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service website.
🐦Thank you Reuven Martin! Public Domain,
Cultivation Information
🦋 Thank you, © William Terry Hunefeld, inaturalist - some rights reserved (CC BY) - Creative Commons
Phonetic Spelling yoor-RIB-ee-uh mak-roh-FIL-uh
Sun - Part Shade to Shade
Height - 12 inchesFlower Color - White
Flower Structure - Branch Cluster in the
Botanically speaking- A branch Cluster is called,
corymbose inflorescencesBlooms - August - September
Hardy Zone - 3 to 7
PerennialSoil - Medium to Dry,
Forests - Beech-maple, hemlock-northern hardwood, hickory, aspenFamily - Asteraceae Root System - Rhizome or Creeping Rootstalks, potentially be a bit too aggressive for small gardens, on the other hand they are a perfect strategy for filling in shady gardens
Garden Companions - We intentionally propagated Zigzag Goldenrod (Solidago flexicaulis) and Big Leafed Aster in 2022 as they have over lapping bloom times and require similar growing conditions.
Wildlife Significance
Host Plant - Silvery Checkerspot Butterfly and Pearl Crescent Butterfly caterpillars
Feed on Pollen - Syrphid Flies
Nectar long-tongued bees, short-tongued bees, wasps, flies, butterflies, beetles, and plant bugs.
Oligolectic Bees - Andrenid bee, Andrena hirticincta
Seed - The Ruffed Grouse and Wild Turkey eat the seeds and foliage.
Deer - while the White-Tailed Deer and Cottontail Rabbit sometimes browse on the foliage. The foliage is also edible to cattle, sheep, and other domesticated farm animals.
For detailed information visit the Illinois Wildflower site
🦋 Pearl Crescent(Phyciodes tharos)
🐝Hairy-banded Mining Bee (Andrena hirticincta)
🦋*Thank you Chrissy McClarren & Andy Reagoa! Public Domain,,
🐝 Thank you Glenn Berry! Public Domain,
Propagation Notes
Seed Stratification
Cold, moist stratification, 60 days, high germination rate. Seedlings grew fast but did not flower their first season.
Although, we appreciate being able to use Public Domain pictures, we look forward to photographing our flowering plants in 2023.
Seed Provenance
Prairie Moon Nursery, Winona, MN - 2021