Hibiscus moscheutos Swamp Rose Mallow
Ohio Native Plant Natural Range
To view the natural range of Hibiscus moscheutos visit the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service website.
Propagation Notes Swamp Rose Mallow
Seed Stratification
Germination - Seed requires 60 days of cold moist storage
Winter of 2019 - Seed was stored in a plastic bag, mixed with vermiculite, for two months. Vermiculite maintains moisture and help prevent molding. Seed was started indoors under florescent lights. A controlled environment, serves as a means of learning to identify seedlings, as well become familiar with their idiosyncrasies. Sadly, germination rate was sporadic.
Winter 2020 - Seed from same source was planted outside in the fall. Covered with soil and protected from the elements with old glass window. Significantly, higher germination rate!
Winter of 2019 - Seed was stored in a plastic bag, mixed with vermiculite, for two months. Vermiculite maintains moisture and help prevent molding. Seed was started indoors under florescent lights. A controlled environment, serves as a means of learning to identify seedlings, as well become familiar with their idiosyncrasies. Sadly, germination rate was sporadic.
Winter 2020 - Seed from same source was planted outside in the fall. Covered with soil and protected from the elements with old glass window. Significantly, higher germination rate!
Wildlife Significance Hibiscus moscheutos
Flowers Pollinated by
Long-tongued bees - Bumblebees, Melitoma taurea (mallow bee) and Ptilothrix bombiformis - Easternn Digger Bee (Rose Mallow bee)
Oligolectic Bees - Bees that prefer one species of plants over another, Ptilothrix bombiformis is one such bee.
Seeking Sweet Nectar - Hummingbirds line up for sweet nutritious Hibiscus moscheutos nectar.
Songbirds - In the fall songbirds may snack on Swamp Mallow seeds, however, I am guessing it is not their first choice as it is never a race to collect seed like it is with Downy Sunflowers - Helinathus mollis.
Butterfly Caterpillars - Common Checkered Skipper and Painted Lady Caterpillars nibble on leaves. Gray Hairstreak caterpillars find young seeds delectable; this is why it is vital not to eradicate insects feasting on native plants!
Deer Preference - Our yard is fenced in, so in all fairness we are not a representitive sample of what deer will eat or not eat. At the same time, smaller mammals who are permanent residents tend to browse vs devour. I suspect it has to do with all the choices they are provided. Interestingly, clover in our grass seems to be their favoriteInsects - Our Hibiscus plants have stayed green and healthy, I image this has to do with the predatory insects other native plants attract.
For detailed information visit the Native Plant Trust - Go Botany
Developing Seed Swamp Mallow
Early in the season
Later in the fall
Seed Provenance Hibiscus moscheutos
Nodding Onion Gardens - 2021, 2022 - present - Native Bee-ginnings, Pennsylvania 2019
Swamp Mallow
Swamp Mallow
a few moths old